Can You Get an 会计 Master’s Without a Background 在会计?

As long as businesses have financial records and governments collect taxes, we’ll need accountants. 

无论你住在美国的哪个地方,都需要会计. Whether you wish to run financial operations for a corporation or start your own business helping individuals file taxes, 选择几乎是无穷无尽的. 根据Lightcast, a labor analytics firm, that need will only grow. It predicts that positions for accountants and auditors will increase 10.6% by 2032. 

One way to take advantage of this growing demand is to earn a master’s degree in accounting. But is this pathway open to professionals who do not have a background in the field?


A master’s in accounting can open doors for individuals who wish to transition into accounting roles, as well as accounting and finance professionals working in the field. This graduate degree may be a good choice for those who wish to specialize in specialized roles or qualify for leadership positions. 

While a master’s in accounting can be a good fit for individuals with a wide range of backgrounds, certain traits are important for success in a graduate degree program. 如果你注重细节,会计可能适合你, 有条理,喜欢解决复杂的问题. You don’t need to be a math genius to excel as an accountant; 然而, 熟练地处理和分析数字是很重要的. 


Requirements for enrolling in an accounting master’s degree program vary by school. As a rule of thumb, 然而, you must hold an accredited bachelor’s degree to earn a master’s degree. Some schools require graduate admissions exams, such as the GRE or GMAT. 许多课程都要求最低GPA, 成绩单和推荐信, and some prefer applicants with professional experience in the field. 


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Can You Get an 会计 Master’s Without a Bachelor’s 在会计?

While you’ll need a bachelor’s degree to enroll in a master’s degree program, each school sets its own requirements regarding prior study in the accounting field. Many programs require that applicants hold an undergraduate degree in accounting or an adjacent field of study, 比如商业或金融. Others accept students with an unrelated bachelor’s degree but require that they complete prerequisite coursework before applying. 

mg不朽情缘游戏网址 M.S. 在会计 program offers a unique pathway program for students with any accredited bachelor’s degree, 即使他们从未学过会计或商业课程. 被mg不朽情缘试玩的项目录取后, 学生选修五门必修课程, 要么在mg不朽情缘试玩,要么在其他认可的机构, 除了硕士水平的课程. 这意味着你可以获得会计硕士学位, 没有任何事先的研究, 在短短21个月内. 

Can You Get an 会计 Master’s Without Work Experience 在会计?

每个人都必须从某个地方开始,会计也不例外. While a professional background in accounting can help some individuals prepare for a master’s degree, you shouldn’t let a lack of experience in the field stop you from pursuing your career goals. 不像一些硕士学位项目,mg不朽情缘游戏网址的M.S. 会计专业不需要工作经验. 事实上, Franklin’s pathway program is specifically designed for students without an accounting background. 如果你在这个领域有工作经验, 然而, it can be evaluated to possibly meet the prerequisite requirements or used to receive internship credit.

If you would like to gain work experience to bolster your resume while you study, mg不朽情缘试玩的教员可以帮你找到实习机会, 实习或学徒机会. You can also participate in Franklin’s Volunteer Tax Assistance Program to build your skills while giving back. 


A master’s degree requires a significant investment of time and money, 所以仔细考虑它是否适合你是有意义的. 然而,这个学位确实提供了一些优势.

就像大多数职业一样, accountants with master’s degrees can often command higher salaries than those with only an undergraduate degree. 根据Lightcast, 会计师和审计师的广告工资中位数为71美元,在2022年3月至2023年3月期间. For positions requiring a master’s degree, that figure rose to $80,300. That difference will compound over time as you advance through your career, meaning that a master’s degree could potentially pay for itself within just a couple of years. 

A master’s may also offer even more significant earnings advantages by helping you access more specialized roles or move up the ranks within a company more quickly. It can also help you earn the additional credit hours you need to qualify as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), 该领域最受欢迎的认证, 这是许多高薪职位所需要的. 


无论你的教育和专业背景如何, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 can help you pursue a rewarding career in accounting. Our 100% online master’s in accounting is designed for adult learners, with the flexibility you need to balance your studies with your life. 

Students with an undergraduate degree in an unrelated subject can complete Franklin’s M.S. 在会计 在短短21个月内完成所有必修课程. That means that in less than two years, you can be well on your way to your professional goals. 

Franklin’s IACBE-accredited curriculum offers targeted preparation for in-demand accounting certifications, 专注于你成功所需的实用技能和工具. You’ll receive the personalized support you need to manage your transition into accounting and gain access to a powerful professional network of fellow students, 教师和校友. 

了解更多关于mg不朽情缘游戏网址如何帮助你找到你的工作 会计之路

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